Lovat Scouts Imperial Yeomanry Cap Badge

This entry is part 4 of 13 in the series Military Cap badges

The Lovat Scouts Imperial Yeomanry Cap Badge a reminder of a very skilled army unit

When Lord Lovat went to the Northern Highlands of Scotland to pick men for his ‘scouting’ companies, he knew what he was doing.

He scoured the Highlands for the sort of hardy individual characters, used to hiding amongst the hills, camouflaged, stalking the wild deer and other animals which made their livelihood.

He needed them quite literally, to scout out and relay intelligence back to command. During the Boer Wars they did this supremely well and their skills were much sort after. They continued to serve in both WW1 and WW2, a full account of their history can be read here.

The cap badge of the Lovat Scouts represents a British Army unit, once described as half wolf and half rabbit

The Lovat Scouts Cap Badge

Lovat Scouts Cap Badge

    • Scottish Highland Yeomanry unit and the first to wear a Ghillie suit
    • Great marksmen and sharp shooters they were the British Army’s first sniper unit
    • They were amazing ‘woodsmen’ and their field craft and military tactics, meant they could gain cover, attack and withdraw, without being noticed
Lovat Scouts

Lovat Scouts Training in Canada

For further information on the Lovat Scouts, click on the links below

    1. If you believe someone in your family was in the Lovat Scouts then follow the link to a super site that lists 39,800 men who served in the Imperial Yeomanry, the Scottish Horse and the Lovat Scouts.  It also gives a history of these units.
    2. You may be interested in other military cap badges on Intriguing History and related articles
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