Gloucestershire Regiment Cap Badge

This entry is part 10 of 13 in the series Military Cap badges

Gloucestershire Regiment Cap Badge

These are the cap badges of the Gloucestershire Regiment from our intriguing collection of military cap badges.

The larger badge made of white metal has the emblem of the Egyptian Sphinx across the top and is worn on the front. The smaller brass badge a laurel wreath in which sits the Egyptian Sphinx, is the back badge.

The Gloucestershire back cap badge

Gloucestershire back cap badge

The Gloucestershire Regiment cap badge and a brief History of the regiment:

    • The origins of the Regiment lie in Portsmouth in the county of Hampshire, where they were formed by Colonel John Gibson in 1694
    • From 1782 – 1881 they were the 28th Regiment of Foot, a British Infantry Regiment.
    • In 1801 they faced the French at the Battle of Alexandria, where on 21st March 1801 they occupied an are of sand dunes facing the coast, in advance of a key British defense position. The French attacked and the 28th Foot took the full brunt. They were surrounded but fought with great skill front and rear and defeated the French.
    • Their gallant actions won them the honour of wearing the Egyptian Sphinx on their cap badge and wearing a badge front and rear.
    • They fought bravely in the Peninsula war
    • They played an important roll in the 2nd Boer War
    • In WWI they served on the Western Front, in Gallipoli, Macedonia, Middle East and Italy
    • In WWII they fought in the Battle of France, evacuation Dunkirk, North West Europe Campaign, D Day landings and then Burma
    • They also fought heroically in the Korean War, where they earned the nickname, ‘The Glorious Glosters’ following there heroic stand against Chinese troops at the Battle of Imjin River in 1951.
Gloucestershire Regiment Cap Badge

Front cap badge for the Gloucestershire Regiment

The reason this post is here is because Intriguing History has had the privilege of curating an enormous collection of cap badges which we wanted to share. We hope that those with much greater knowledge than ourselves will contact us so that we may share more details.

For more collected and curated resources and sources visit Intriguing Family History or use the link to the Gloucestershire Museum where, if you have any family tree history or connection,  you can search for people who may have served with the regiment.

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