Blog by Intriguing History

This site Intriguing History, started as a project with Maps, post-its and good old fashioned Pins in those Maps, coloured pens and attempts to timeline and connect historic events, themes, people over time.

The Blog part - takes snippets we find, might have share on Instagram and connects relates back to the core content we share on this site.  The project goes forwards in 'fits and starts' as we fit around life , family and of course work.

On the Blog we are currently interested in how we can take images, play on patterns in history, mathematics, science, digital engineering and of course DNA to find a few more connections, have a play with photography, images and Instagram and a few quotes and texts here and there. Take it as the lighter side of life, not intense history stuff but a bit of fun along the way...


IT Livery Companies History and Dame Shirley

By Amanda Moore INW | April 7, 2015
This entry is part 6 of 12 in the series Intriguing Women

Dame Stephanie Shirley, aka Steve computing pioneer, philanthropist and advocate for strategic projects in Autism and child escaping Nazi Germany via the British Kindertransport initiative. She survived and succeeded against the odds, one 10,000 against one and a half million that perished..She is part of history and very much alive and still making it happen, she is for me an inspiration and continues a long line of great contributions to British life that started with the story of a migration and the struggles of an immigrant trying to make the best of the cards life has dealt the, We can all learn something from Dame Shirley.

Dover castle King John Rebel Wars Thomas Beckett and henry II

Secrets of Great British Castles

By Amanda Moore INW | April 4, 2015
This entry is part 1 of 1 in the series Great castles and Fortresses

Great British Castles kicks-off in Episode 1 narrated and presented by Dan Jones, there are some intriguing connections to explore but see the flyover video and you will see the series looks set to provide some insights to some impressive historic fortresses. Catch our links to Dover and its historical context but whatever you do don’t miss the series.

Richard III son of York buried in Leicester

By Amanda Moore INW | March 27, 2015
This entry is part 5 of 5 in the series House of York

Richard III son of York controversial king reinterment in 2015 in leicester. A new event on the House of York and Plantagement timeline, Whether you are a Ricardian or not, this has been a monumental week and here are some pictures resources and reflections on this intriguing moment in British history.

King Richard III Bosworth

Plantagenet Roll of the Royal Blood

By Amanda Moore INW | March 26, 2015

Plantagenet Roll of the Royal Blood Plantagenet Roll of the Royal Blood, 3 Ways to Check your Plantagenet Heritage Are you one of the many or one of the few? Watching and reading the media during this amazing week, it seems as if ‘the world and his wife’ were related to Richard III and the Plantagenets. It was quite acceptable for Kings to have children out of wedlock. Arguably John of Gaunt’s children were illegitimate, Edward IV’s indulgences and mistresses were well documented and Richard III himself for all his justifications about the ‘extra-marital’ behaviour of his brother had at least 3 acknowledged children out of wedlock. It maybe your family could be directly descended or from a less formal connection to the Royal bloodline and all its branches.  But surely we all have to have a look at some point in our lives. Today and this week seems as apt a time as any. Family historian or maybe you are simply intrigued, it has got to be worth a bit of fun and browse through a few of the resources available to check out whether a branch of your family fits in. I found a (Dipnall) branch of my family but its a marriage into the Plantagenets, not a bloodline. Easy to check out Richard III’s branch of the family tree, given the science and forensic archaeology that Leicester University has put into this extraordinary feat of research here. The Richard III Tree is available on this link use blue menus at…

Mobilising British History

By Amanda Moore INW | March 18, 2015

Mobilising British History Mobilising or Mobilizing British History depending on which side of the pond you are on? We are busy completing many enhancements over the next two weeks and in particular the art and science, (it is a fine balance of the two it seems) of optimising this web project for all the popular mobiles devices smartphones tablets and laptops or even a desktop. We are using this brief post to test a few features with a new batch of photographs we are going to add-into our collectionsusing ‘responsive design’ so our pages will adapt to wherever, whenever and whatever device you are using and whether you prefer a landscape or portrait view. More posts coming shortly and a raft of new timelines and curated resources are well on their way! Meanwhile a break in the grey days and an early touch of Spring sunshine, so grabbed a picture or two at the rather lovely Titchfield Abbey, you will find more on this lovely location and little gem in Hants on our sister project Hampshire here, meanwhile. Thanks for taking a look at what we have to offer, if you want to track posts conveniently i your inbox then signup for our Monthly email, just 1 a month as a digest of whats new and happening here on Intriguing History.  

Sidney Street Siege 1911 Anarchy and Artillery

Sidney Street Siege and Winston Churchill 1911

By Amanda Moore INW | February 26, 2015
This entry is part 4 of 4 in the series Winston Churchill polymath

Winston Churchill as Home Secretary 1911, dressed in Top Hat it could be mistaken for a scene from the Silent movies but find out what happened and decide for yourself was it ‘over-the-top’ for Winston to be there and to call in Artillery?

Winston Churchills Legacy a balanced perspective

By Amanda Moore INW | February 1, 2015
This entry is part 1 of 4 in the series Winston Churchill polymath

How can you get a balanced view and perspective about this British Prime Minister and what his real legacy is on this (2015) the 50th Anniversary of Winston Churchill’s state funeral. The historians and politician’s literature never mind Winston’s own writings are huge. He never did a single TV interview Professor Vernon Bogdanor does us all proud with this excellent video lecture, in his roles as Emeritus Professor of Law and Visiting Professor of Political History at the excellent Gresham College find a little time and get an excellent balanced view and appraisal of the legacy left to us all by Winston Churchill.

Winston Churchill by Lord Carington Interview BBC Newsnight

By Amanda Moore INW | January 31, 2015
This entry is part 3 of 4 in the series Winston Churchill polymath

Winston Churchill by the last man alive to have worked with him post war in cabinet, the rather charming Lord Carington. There isn’t anyone else that worked with him left to tell us. Its a charming and forthright short piece, simply delightful video.

Winston Churchill 50th Anniversary Tribute

By Amanda Moore INW | January 31, 2015
This entry is part 2 of 4 in the series Winston Churchill polymath

The start of a series of some facets of Winston Churchill and his intriguing connections, the character of the man himself his triumphs and failures, his polymorphic abilities, science, writing, oratory excellence, the people he knew and what he thought about them and vice versa. Simply one of the most intriguing men in at least British 20th century history, he had his failing but packed huge amounts in to a life of extremes and huge contrasts. What can we find and connect as a series on the intriguing people he was involved with, how he promoted and developed science and technology throughout his career and a little colour about the character of the man.

American History in Law a chronology

By Amanda Moore INW | January 27, 2015

American History told by the English translations of the original sources from Columbus to the modern day. There is something that is so enlightening and inspiring the closer to the source material you can get. There is quite a lot of overlap here between what impacts on American and British History and its a fascinating set of documents from the Yale Avalon Project and Collection.