Posts by HLB
Who was Pelagius?
Pelagius was a monk from Britain, who, in the C4th during the Roman occupation of Britain, opposed the theological views of St Augustine and was excommunicated
Read MoreC17th London Inhabitants
London Inhabitants in C17th. Wouldn’t it be great to find out who was walking these streets then. These lists can be found free online at British History Online and are a fascinating read. As data gets absorbed into the big genealogical search engines it’s nice to re-visit old sources.
Read MoreWitchcraft Act 1562
The Witchcraft Act of 1562 replaced an earlier act to deal with the fear people had that witches were prevalent in society. They took the blame for all manner of ills in society.
Read MoreConstantine the Great
Constantine the Great, proclaimed Emperor in York, this man went on to unite a fragmented Roman Empire and create a moment of stability in an empire riven with discord.
Read MoreCarausius and Allectus
Carausius and Allectus are known as the Roman usurpers who took control of Britain in 286 AD. Coins are the only real evidence we have of their limited tenure in Britain.
Read MoreAgricola
Agricola was a most effective Roman leader who was Governor of Britain between 77 AD – 84 AD. His list of accomplishments was written down by Tacitus, his son in law
Read MoreHadrian’s Wall
The magnificent structure of Hadrian’s Wall was built under the order of Emperor Hadrian when he saw the need to consolidate the borders of the Roman Empire but what it’s exact purpose was is not fully understood.
Read MoreWho was Caratacus?
Caratacus was a strong leader of the Celts who faced the Roman army at the Battle of Mons Graupius
Read MoreWho were the Brigantes?
The Brigantes were a Celtic tribe who held the territory between the Humber and the Tyne at the time of the Roman invasion in 43AD. At first they were on friendly terms with the Romans but this state of affairs began to collapse and the Romans attempted to force them from their territory.
Read MoreThe Battle of Mons Graupius
The Battle of Mons Graupius was fought between the occupying Roman army of the British Isles and the men of the north, the Caledonians. Exactly where it took place is not known but some interesting theories have been offered.
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