- Poor Law Amendment Act 1834
- Constitutional Crisis People’s Budget 1909
- William Booth and the Inspiration behind the Salvation Army 1865
- Statute of Labourers 1351
- Vagabonds and Beggars Act 1494
- Britain After Waterloo the British Disillusion Post 1815
- Corn Laws Economic History and Big Data
- Sir Robert Peel Prime Minister capitalised on his father’s success but what happened next?
- Great Reform Act 1832 and the riots that preceeded.
- Workhouse Test Act 1723
- Magna Carta Translation 1225
- The Framework Knitters Declaration 1812
- The Luddites
- Hyde Park Riot 1866
- Stale Bread Act 1801
- The Workhouse System Poor Law Amendment Act 1834
- Poor Law England 1601
- Old Poor Law
- Statute of Labourers 1351
- Vagabonds and Beggars Act 1494
- Corn Laws Economic History and Big Data
- Workhouse Test Act 1723
Corn Laws Economic History and Big Data
From small acorns big ideas grow, never can it have been more in evidence than here, with the British Corn Laws but there is so much more to learn and share, thanks to people who dedicate their lives to the study of specialist histories and subjects. A little morsel for us all to enjoy.
“The English Corn Laws Returns, the English Corn Laws and the birth of political economy”
A Lecture at Gresham College by D’Mariss Coffman, Cambridge University
Its amazing to learn a little about the Corn Laws in our British History and they were certainly politically and economically contentious both in their 1815 instigation and their subsequent repeal in 1846, and their political history during the time of Sir Robert Peel Prime Minister but when you get the chance to learn a little don’t you find yourself just wanting to know a little more?
Here is an excellent and easy way to do so, listen while you work or do a boring chore or task because this is an hour worth spending. Opens our eyes to how the ability to even quantify the grain and mange the returns needed to control this form of tariff and taxation in the 19th Century, is some what key to the period and our economic and political history. Well I found it more than a little intriguing with huge thanks to the resident expert D’Maris Coffman of Cambridge University and Gresham College, an fantastic institution in its own right. Educating the public for free for over 400 years, simply inspiring. See the slides and text. What a great resource. Acknowledged experts in their fields, giving time to help us all delve in a little deeper. How lucky are we.
Fuelling the Debate: The English Corn Law returns, the Corn Laws and the birth of political economy – D’Maris Coffman from Gresham College on Vimeo.
Balanced Perspectives, is where we are looking to find and share some great and specific lectures and resources which expand upon subjects within our scope on Intriguing History and which we believe you might enjoy yourself if you only had time to find it. f you have a favourite and enlightening source to share please do let us know.