14th Century 1300-1399

Medieval Leprosy

Medieval leprosy

Medieval leprosy was a complicated part of Medieval society. The idea of the leper as being a carrier of disease is too simplistic. The leper was a person who carried the outward mark of sin, whose purgatory on Earth would be rewarded in heaven.

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Cult of the Virgin Mary

Cult of the Virgin Mary

The Cult of the Virgin Mary is seen by many as having its origins in the Medieval period but the mythologizing of Mary began with Pope Gregory I. It grew as the Crusaders returned to the west and shrines and icons to the Virgin Mary appeared in churches, on the wayside and in people’s homes.

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The Cult of Chivalry

cult of chivalry

The cult of chivalry was born out of the military culture that existed in the 11th century Chivalry was a code of honour for military warriors to follow. These men came from part of the elite ‘aristocratic’ society that existed at the time. Quite literally, the word chivalry came from the French word ‘chevalerie’ meaning…

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Katherine Swynford Mistress of John of Gaunt

Katherine Swynford
This entry is part 9 of 12 in the series Intriguing Women

Katherine Swynford, the love of John of Gaunts life? Katherine Swynford, another one of those intriguing medieval woman to explore, she was a daughter of  Payne Roët of Guienne in France, who was born about 1310. He was a knight and herald from Hainaut who fought in the 100 years war and when King Edward III…

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Sir John Beauchamp

Sir John Beauchamp

Sir John Beauchamp of Holt was a Medieval nobleman who supported King Richard II during the 100 Years War but was accused of treason by the ‘Miserable Parliament’ of 1388 and executed.

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The Goldsmiths Company

Goldsmiths Hall

The Goldsmiths Company, founded in the 14th century, still plays an important role in society today. It maintains the Assay Office and the annual Pyx trial by which the nations currency is protected from being debased.

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Medieval Music in Britain

great resource on Medieval Music and its history
This entry is part 1 of 2 in the series Intriguing Resources

Directly access this expert published work online for an authoritative view of the history of Medieval Music.This is by Frank Harrison a 19th cetury Senior Lecturer in Music at Oxford University. If you have discovered or would like to explore the wonders of British Medieval Music, Sacred Music or Polyphony then this is a great starting point. Click to access directly from here…an intriguing resource free to access and use online or to download.

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Plantagenet Roll of the Royal Blood

King Richard III Bosworth

Plantagenet Roll of the Royal Blood Plantagenet Roll of the Royal Blood, 3 Ways to Check your Plantagenet Heritage Are you one of the many or one of the few? Watching and reading the media during this amazing week, it seems as if ‘the world and his wife’ were related to Richard III and the…

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Crossbones Graveyard

Crossbones graveyard
This entry is part 3 of 5 in the series Intriguing London

Crossbones graveyard in Southwark is adorned with colourful ribbons, a tribute to those Winchester Geese and others who exist on the margins of society. This burial ground has been in existence since Medieval times.

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