Features THEMES

Great Fire of London 1666

Great Fire of London 1666

The Great Fire of London 1666, swept through a city laden with tinder dry timber houses and quaysides storing oils, pitches, coal and timber. With a strong east wind the conditions were set fine for a terrifying blaze.

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James Brindley Canal Builder

James Brindley Canal Engineer
This entry is part 6 of 14 in the series Industrial Revolution

James Brindley canal engineer whose work in canal engineering spanned a mere 13 years. How did he manage to achieve so much for the canal building era? His work can still be seen in the centre of Birmingham.

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Spinning Jenny Industrial Revolution?

Spinning Jenny Industrial Revolution

Spinning Jenny Industrial Revolution, what was this invention and what impact did it have on the textile workers of 18th century Britain? Why was the invention necessary and how did it connect with John Kay’s Flying Shuttle?

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Battle of Fulford Gate 1066

Harald Hardrada last Viking King invaded England
This entry is part 1 of 1 in the series 1066 The Normans are Coming

Harald Hardrada or was it Hardraada (the Ruthless) conspired with the disaffected Tostig brother of the rightful King, (according to the late King Edward anyway) sets out to conquer York. Without this battle would William of Normandy have ever become King and won at Hastings? Follow the great local projects at the site of the battle and find out how history turned on what we think of as minor skirmishes but were really significant Battles. Two Battles north in 5 days and a forced march up and back down his realm can topple a King and his kingdom.

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Richard II King 1377-1399

Last Plantagenet King of England Richard II
This entry is part 1 of 7 in the series Plantagenet Monarchs

Richard II son of the Black Prince and Grandson of Edward III what kind of a King would he make coming to the throne at just 9 years old, confronting the Peasants Revolt and growing-up with the burden of kingship. Follow his timeline and chronology of the events that shape his life and impact on his kingdom.

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William Tyndale

William Tyndale

William Tyndale appeared in 1526, determined to translate the New Testament into English but why was this so important? How did King Henry VIII deal with Tyndale was he supportive of him or did he see him as a heretic?

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Education Act 1902

education acts

The act that provided for the provision of LEA Local Education Authority system and was also a catlyst in encouraging the development of Higher Education.

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Paris Peace Conference 1919

Was the Paris Peace Conference and four months of wrangling amongst the Allies robbing Germany of its Empire a key document that impacts on British Appeasement Policy in 1938 1939 and was it also a major factor in the problems that led to WW2? In full knowledge of its content is Chamberlain all too aware of its implications and seeks to appease Germany’s imperialist pretensions because of it, or in spite of it. Before we judge Chamberlain should we not take a long hard look at Britain in the ‘interwar years’ and how these outcomes constrain the options available as Baldwin resigns and Chamberlain picks-up the poison chalice.

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Parliament Act 1911

This entry is part 1 of 1 in the series Constitutional Crisis 1909-1911

The Barons finally give way to democracy and yield their right of veto against democratically approved laws voted on and approved in the House of Commons. An Act of Parliament settles a bitter dispute from the 1909 Peoples Budget and a vital principle that had taken hundreds of years to establish.

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