Oxford University Map of Colleges
Oxford University Map of Colleges dating back and showing the colleges with a numbered key in 1643. a preview to Intriguing Oxford and Oxfordshire. Follow this new series, starting with this map.
Read MoreRichard III Bosworth
King Richard III Bosworth Field, where the King stood and faced the army of Henry Tudor and was defeated, his crown left tumbeld under a thorn bush, his body unceremoniously dumped at Grey Friars Leicester. This week is re-buried at Leicester Cathedral.
Read MoreGreat Fire of London 1666
The Great Fire of London 1666, swept through a city laden with tinder dry timber houses and quaysides storing oils, pitches, coal and timber. With a strong east wind the conditions were set fine for a terrifying blaze.
Read MoreSamuel Johnson and Hodge
Samuel Johnson and Hodge his cat remembered in Gough Sq London where Samuel Johnson lived and worked on his dictionary with Hodge in attendance.
Read MoreSpinning Jenny Industrial Revolution?
Spinning Jenny Industrial Revolution, what was this invention and what impact did it have on the textile workers of 18th century Britain? Why was the invention necessary and how did it connect with John Kay’s Flying Shuttle?
Read MoreQueen Elizabeth I Statue London
The Queen Elizabeth I statue in London is that city’s oldest outdoor statue but it no longer stands where it was intended. It was re-positioned in the 1920’s and unveiled by Millicent Fawcett, the noted feminist.
Read MoreKing Henry VIII and the Catholic Church (Part 1)
How did King Henry VIII and the Catholic church come to so completely at odds over the nullity of his marriage to Catherine of Aragon? Such marriages had been nullified before, so what made Henry’s different?
Read MoreThomas Cromwell
Thomas Cromwell, the black clad lawyer who rose to power after the decline and death of the red clad Cardinal Wolsey. King Henry’s advisor and who figaratively wielded the axe across the neck of many Tudor conservatives.
Read MoreCrossbones Graveyard
Crossbones graveyard in Southwark is adorned with colourful ribbons, a tribute to those Winchester Geese and others who exist on the margins of society. This burial ground has been in existence since Medieval times.
Read MoreLaw of the Land Magna Carta
The Magna Carta brought us many things including the phrase the ‘Law of the land’ but what did it mean?
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