Plantagenet Roll of the Royal Blood

Plantagenet Roll of the Royal Blood

Plantagenet Roll of the Royal Blood, 3 Ways to Check your Plantagenet Heritage

Are you one of the many or one of the few? Watching and reading the media during this amazing week, it seems as if ‘the world and his wife’ were related to Richard III and the Plantagenets. It was quite acceptable for Kings to have children out of wedlock. Arguably John of Gaunt’s children were illegitimate, Edward IV’s indulgences and mistresses were well documented and Richard III himself for all his justifications about the ‘extra-marital’ behaviour of his brother had at least 3 acknowledged children out of wedlock. It maybe your family could be directly descended or from a less formal connection to the Royal bloodline and all its branches.  But surely we all have to have a look at some point in our lives. Today and this week seems as apt a time as any.

King Richard III Bosworth

King Richard III’s Standard at Bosworth Field

Family historian or maybe you are simply intrigued, it has got to be worth a bit of fun and browse through a few of the resources available to check out whether a branch of your family fits in.

I found a (Dipnall) branch of my family but its a marriage into the Plantagenets, not a bloodline. Easy to check out Richard III’s branch of the family tree, given the science and forensic archaeology that Leicester University has put into this extraordinary feat of research here. The Richard III Tree is available on this link use blue menus at top of the screen to explore further after you link through it is fascinating

This week and since the finding of Richard III in a car park, ‘Truth is it seems stranger than fiction’ so you never know. Certainly worth a look. we will also add this post and links to our Resources section here.

Plantagenet Roll of the Blood Royal are you related?

This is one source and not all volumes but dig around and you can find some more. The full text can be searched using an Internet browser, CTRL-F and put in the start of the surname you are looking for without having to leaf through every page. The Archives online copies are charming though and you can also download in various ebook file formats. The Archives are a fantastic source for your research on all kinds of subjects. A wealth of human knowledge free for all to use and enjoy.

The Plantagenet Roll on the Internet Archives can be found here

Plantagenets Roll Search on Ancestry as online book to view and read or download/share

There is an index also on Plantagenet Roll on Ancestry and the initial search is at least free, see link here its taken from the above authors work anyway so depends on how you like to enjoy your browsing.

Related to Richard III find out how to check here

Research your ancestry and family history find out if you have a Plantagenet connection.


 Plantagenet family divisions and the bitter and brutal events of the War of the Roses

The cost of life lost amongst especially the royal and noble families of England was great during the protracted period we know as the War of the Roses, (a Victorian construct.) It divided a nation with pauses in between, for the best part for four decades, all from a family feud. Was it worth it, to be followed by the triumphant Tudors? How did these Plantagenets make such a mess of not only their lives but of their subjects? Take a look  at our War of the Roses Timeline and you will find Richard III and his family in our Plantagenet connections. we were discussing today Edward III, the father of the feuding fractions, what would he have thought about the family failures?   But there again, he had to deal with the dilemma of his mother and her lover Mortimer and deposing his own father as unfit to rule.

Whilst we might all enjoy the fun of a ‘royal connection hunt’ the bitter rivalry and brutal nature of these Monarchs might not be quite what you want to discover handed down through your genetic line after all? The debates of good king/bad king will run and run no doubt but whilst there was an appropriate and duly solemn service for Richard’s reinterment today the recent rush of sympathetic portrayals seem somewhat dubiously convenient. But there will be ample time to debate that n the days that follow. In my head it just all seems a bit too Walter Scott-like at the moment rather than Shakespeare.