British Monarchs Kings and Queens

British Monarchs Kings and Queens is a handy chronological or timeline guide. You can see at a glance who was King or Queen, when and which Royal House or period that they reigned in.

There is an accompanying series of more expansive posts about each Monarch which you can directly access from the links on the Kings and Queens list.


This page is designed to be a point of connection so that we can readily scan a list that is easy to use but can also be explored in more detail as and when it suits you. The articles about each King or Queen are connected to the wider themes and periods of history, the events and people that influenced British History during a given reign. Our aim is to make this easier than is possible in a linear text, so that in less time and with more ease you can browse and choose which King or Queen, Historic Period, Royal House or related subject of British History you would like to explore.

Anglo Saxon period
??? - 530Cerdic
552 - 616Ethelbert
688 - 726 Ine
757 - 796Offa
796 - 821Cenwulf of Mercia
House of Wessex
802 - 839EgbertWessex
839 - 858Aethelwulf Wessex
858 - 860AethelbaldWessex
860 - 866AethelbertWessex
866 - 871AethelredWessex
871 - 899Alfred the GreatWessex
899 - 925Edward the ElderWessex
925 - 940AthelstanWessex
940 - 946EdmundWessex
946 - 955EadredWessex
955 - 959EadwigWessex
959 - 975EdgarWessex
975 978Edward the MartyrWessex
979 - 1013Ethelred the UnreadyWessex
1013 - 1014Sweyn ForkbeardDenmark I
1014 - 1016Ethelred the UnreadyWessex
1016 - 1016 (Apr-Nov)Edmund IronsideWessex
House of Denmark
1016 - 1035 Cnut CanuteDenmark II
1035 - 1040Harold I HarefootDenmark II
1040 - 1042HarthacnutHarthacnutDenmark II
1042 - 1066Edward ConfessorWessex
1066 -1066 (Jan-Dec)Harold IIWessex
The Normans 1066 to 1154
1066 1087William INorman
1087 - 1100William IINorman
1100 - 1135 Henry I Norman
1135 - 1154Stephen I Norman
1141 - 1141 (Apr-Nov)Matilda Daughter of Henry I and Matilda II (Daughter of Malcolm III. Norman Known as Empress in 1114 due to her marriage to the Holy Roman emperor Henry V. 1128 she married Geoffrey Plantagenet, Count of Anjou her husband was 10 years younger and they would have 3 sons. Together they would found the Plantagenets a formidable and unbroken line of English Monarchs.
Plantagenet Period 1154-1399
1154 - 1189Henry II Plantagenet
1189 - 1199Richard IPlantagenet
1199 - 1216 John Plantagenet
1216 - 1272Henry IIIPlantagenet
1272 - 1307Edward IPlantagenet
1307 - 1327Edward IIPlantagenet
1327 - 1377Edward IIIPlantagenet
1377 - 1399Richard II
Plantagenet King son of the Black Prince and Joan of Kent, Grandson of Edward III and his Queen Philippa of Hainault.
Richard II King of England from 9 years old
House of Lancaster1399 - 1485
1399 - 1413Henry IVLancaster
1413 - 1422Henry VLancaster
1422 - 1461Henry VILancaster
House of York1461-1485
1461 - 1483Edward IV
Son of Richard 4th Duke of York and Cecily ...Edward is the 1st York King with claims to Royal bloodlines from both sets of grand-parents.
Edward IV 1st King of the House of York
1483 (not crowned)Edward VYork
1483 - 1485Richard IIIYork
The Tudors
1485 - 1509Henry VIITudor
1509 - 1547Henry VIIITudor
1547 - 1553Edward VITudor
1553Jane GreyTudor
1553 - 1558Mary ITudor
1558 - 1603Elizabeth ITudor
Stuarts I
1603 1625James IStuart
1625 - 1649Charles IStuart
1649 - 1658Oliver CromwellCommonwealth
1658 - 1659Richard CromwellCommonwealth
Stuart Period continued
1660 - 1685Charles IIStuart
1685 - 1688James IIStuart
1689 - 1702William IIIStuart
1689 - 1694MaryStuart
1702 - 1714AnneStuart
House of Hanover
Georgian PeriodGeorgian Monarchs
House of Hanover
1714 - 1727George IHanover
1727 - 1760George IIHanover
1760 - 1820George IIIHanover
1820 - 1830George IVHanover
1830 - 1837William IVHanover
Victorian PeriodVictorian Period 1837-1901
1837 - 1901VictoriaHanover
Edwardian PeriodEdwardian Era
1901 - 1910Edward VIIEdwardian
House of Windsor
1910 - 1936George VWindsor
1936 (not crowned)Edward VIIIWindsor
1936 - 1952George VIWindsor
1952 - presentElizabeth IIWindsor
Richard II King of England from 9 years old