Features THEMES

Battle of Bull Run 1861 American Civil War Animated Map Snippet

Maps migration and the American Civil war an intriguing snippet of the possible connections and resources available t family historians. The American Civil War did it touch your family history, if you had family members and ancestors in America at the time of the civil war what were they doing and did they sign-up?

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Empire and Colonialism

The theme of Empire and colonialism because it is this that charts the history of Britain from the C16th. The main thread of British expansion and imperialism is the history of the overseas trade routes….

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Children and Education

Children and Education life wasnt great for children in the 18th and 19th Centuries, reform was slow coming, welfare was only just emerging, young adults and cheap labour, what was it like for your family and what were the opportunities presented by education, was it good bad or the best that could be expected what happened in the 20th and 21st centuries to change the poor outlook for children that had previously pervaded?

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Removal Act 1795

removal act 1795

The Removal Act of 1795 is of great significance for family historians because for the first time it was easier for people to move away from their place of birth but did it help them out of poverty is another question all together.

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