Features Intriguing People

Boudica British Queen

This entry is part 6 of 6 in the series Roman Timeline

Boudica was Queen of the Iceni during the early occupation of the Romans of Britain. She took the fight to them when they abused her husbands will and violated her daughters and her own honour.

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Who was Pelagius?

This entry is part 5 of 6 in the series Roman Timeline

Pelagius was a monk from Britain, who, in the C4th during the Roman occupation of Britain, opposed the theological views of St Augustine and was excommunicated

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Constantine the Great

Constantine the Great

Constantine the Great, proclaimed Emperor in York, this man went on to unite a fragmented Roman Empire and create a moment of stability in an empire riven with discord.

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Henry II Plantagenet King of England

This entry is part 2 of 7 in the series Plantagenet Monarchs

Henry II creates the Anjevin Empire but by failing to unite his sons and wife in the line of succession causes more trouble than he resolves, what would happen during his reign kicks-off the English Plantagenet dynasty but also sows the seeds of it’s demise…

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Thomas Becket and Henry II

The relationship between Henry King of England and Thomas, banker turned confidant and Archbishop was probably one of the most intriguing in English history.

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King Cnut Canute 995-1035

King Canute

Cnut was a strong and brutal ruler who managed to control England , Denmark and Norway having demolished the inheritance of Alfred the Great by removing Ethelred and Edmund but would he fair any better in ensuring a smooth succession down his family lines, another intriguing family?

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William Wilberforce and the Bettering Society

William Wilberforce

William Wilberforce was the father of the Reform Movement who encouraged a ‘Better Society’, where decent morals and values created a world of positive outcomes for the poor, where science could be used to make lives better

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Scotsmen Thomas Blake Glover, Mitsubishi and Kirin Beer

Outstanding Scotsmen and the Far East seem to go together in the 19th and early 20th centuries, being responsible for business and trading companies that are still thriving today. Thomas Blake Glover was one such man, arguably responsible for much of the success of the Meiji Restoration and the overthrow of the Shogun and forming the basis of the new and open Japan and it’s industrial success that continues to this day…

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