Georgian 1714 – 1837

Elizabeth Fry Reformer and Quaker

Elizabeth Fry social reformer

The work of Elizabeth Fry, Quaker and social reformer inspired others such as Florence Nightingale. Her courage and work was outstanding in a time when women were considered to have few roles outside of the family

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The Lunar Society bringing together brilliant minds

2012 Full Moon
This entry is part 13 of 14 in the series Industrial Revolution

The Lunar Society bringing together brilliant minds The Lunar Society bringing together brilliant minds happened because of a full moon. Those who joined together to become the ‘Lunar Circle’ or ‘Lunar Club’ as it was formerly known in 1775. The meetings of these fellows, with such fertile minds changed an age. The original ‘Lunarmen’,  gathered together for…

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Thomas Telford London to Holyhead Road

The debate over the high speed rail link between London and Birmingham, made us think about Thomas Telford, building a slightly controversial high speed road between London and Holyhead in 1819

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Tension between East India Company & British Government 1784

Tension East India Company and British Government The East India Company Act of 1784 The British presence in India was a result of the trading opportunities grasped by the East India Company way back at the start of the C17th. The company monopolised trade, had it’s own armies and ruled and regulated itself. The 18th century saw…

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James Watt and the Industrial Revolution 1774

James Watt
This entry is part 7 of 6 in the series Industrial Inventions and Innovations

James Watt and the Industrial Revolution The inventor of the first practical and it should be said, economical steam engine was James Watt, an instrument maker from Glasgow who saw the problems with earlier engines such as Newcomen’s engine. A man with a fastidious eye for details, Watt saw the potential to improve the engine…

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