Sir John Beauchamp

Sir John Beauchamp

Sir John Beauchamp of Holt was a Medieval nobleman who supported King Richard II during the 100 Years War but was accused of treason by the ‘Miserable Parliament’ of 1388 and executed.

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The English Accent and Family History

What English accent did your ancestors speak with back in Elizabethan England? You might be surprised to learn that an American reciting Shakespeare is nearer to the mark than you or I.

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VE Day 1945 King George VI Speech

VE Day 1945 King George VI Speech an inspired reading at this week’s service in Westminster Abbey commemorating the end of WW2 in Europe VE Day on 8th May. Did you hear the The King’s Speech, how much does a national act of commemoration provide a timely reminder of the need to give back and participate and not just leave it all to the political class?

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The Goldsmiths Company

Goldsmiths Hall

The Goldsmiths Company, founded in the 14th century, still plays an important role in society today. It maintains the Assay Office and the annual Pyx trial by which the nations currency is protected from being debased.

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Duke of Wellington Battle of Waterloo 1815

The Duke of Wellington stood at the Battle of Waterloo in 1815, facing yet again Napoleon and the French army. He probably never thought he would have to face the Frenchman again after his victory in the Peninsular Campaign. The bloody battle left Wellington victorious

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Sir Hugh Myddleton

Sir Hugh Myddletons New River Head a lasting Mark on London

Sir Hugh Myddleton was a brilliant 17th century engineer who was in part responsible for improving the water supply to London via the New River project which still provides 8% of the capitals water supply.

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