Intriguing Blog
Salvador Dali and Edward James collaborated on two artworks together in West Sussex?
Mae west’s Lips, A Sofa, A Lobster Telephone known as the Aphrodisiac, West Sussex Dali Edwards and life in an english Country House, you have got to admit it is intriguing? Oh yes Edward the Prince of Whales, the Wellcome Foundation and just for good measure Somerset Maughan…oh what a tangled web the people and personalities spin throughout our history…
Read MoreSamuel Morse Artist & Inventor April 27th 1791
Samuel Morse, both artist and inventor, brought to the world so many extraordinary gifts
Read MoreVictoria and Albert Museum and it’s Smithfield Connection
Sir Aston Webb designed the Victoria and Albert Museum but his family history is buried deep in London’s Smithfield where his work restoring the church of St Bartholemew the Great established his reputation as a great architect.
Read MoreIntriguing Relationships Presidents and Prime Ministers
An intriguing snippet from David Reynolds (Professor of History at Cambridge University ) and No 10 on the special relationships between prime Ministers and Presidents
Read MoreWest Dean West Sussex and New Mexico…what do they have in common?
Edward James a lasting legacy , a great endowment and a mad folly in Mexico? In the heart of the Sussex Downs dont’ miss a treat and enjoy the grandeur of a country house fit for kings with a wonderful opportunity to develop your creative skills…
Read MoreConnect Martin Luther, Thomas Carlyle and Dickens….
Intriguing connections made by people across centuries, strands of thoughts and ideals that are never quite lost
Read MoreBunhill Fields Burial Ground City of London
Bunhill Fields, an absolutely fascinating place to visit irrespective of whether you have nonconformists in your family or not, the history alone is mesmerising..
Read MoreUK’s 1st Nuclear powered Submarine Dreadnought footage1963
Why did we build the UK’s first Nuclear Submarine in Barrow and why is the answer down to our Victorian Ancestors? Share your views, information and insights or connections…
Read MoreSir Alfred Munnings Flower Loft Lamorna Cove Cornwall
Flower Loft and some important years in Lamorna Cove for Sir Alfred Munnings friend of War Horse Inspiration Major General J E B Seely and his horse Warrior…
Read MoreIsambard Kingdom Brunel & Florence Nightingale a Connection
What is the connection between two great British heros, Isambard Kingdom Brunel and Florence Nightingale?
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