Crossbones Graveyard
Crossbones graveyard in Southwark is adorned with colourful ribbons, a tribute to those Winchester Geese and others who exist on the margins of society. This burial ground has been in existence since Medieval times.
Read MoreIsabella of Gloucester The First Wife of King John
Isabella of Gloucester, first wife of King John, was a survivor. A rich and potentially powerful woman, we know little about Isabella, another forgotten Medieval woman whose role in historical events is lost.
Read MoreSmallpox Inoculation 1721
Smallpox is a devastating disease that holds a unique place in medical history. The foresight of people such as Lady Montague helped in it’s eradication. Many people had their lives saved due to her persistent and courageous actions before Jenner’s vaccination took over.
Read MoreKing Edward IV’s Mistress Jane Shore
King Richard III, King Edward IV and Jane Shore. Just how was the life of this woman bound up in the enthralling politics of the Middle Ages when war was raging across the country. Jane’s name is linked to some of the most important men of the period. What influence did she bring upon their lives?
Read MoreVera Britain born 1893 -1970 and Dame Shirley Williams her daughter HLB
Vera Britain author pascifist and politician, who were the influential people in her life and family…
Read MoreNorfolk and Edith Cavell
Norfolk is the birthplace of one of Britain’s most courage humanitarians, Edith Cavell, executed by German forces in WWI
Read MoreAda Lovelace 1815 – 1852 and the first computer programme
Aususta Ada Lovelace was a brilliant mathematician who took Charles Babbage’s analytical machine a step further, so why don’t we know more about her?
Read MoreFlorence Nightingale and Women’s Suffrage
Florence Nightingale and Women’s Suffrage Florence had a vision that went beyond her incredible organisational and nursing abilities. Her attitudes made her capable of anticipating the dramatic events that would unfold for women in the late stages of the C19th and early C20th. She wrote ‘Till a woman can be in possession of her own…
Read MoreAnna Maria Garthwaite – a remarkable woman
Silk, Anna Maria Garthwaite and a beautiful story to inspire women today
Read MoreCharles Dickens knew Florence Nightingale
We so often study the lives of famous people and their activities in isolation, what is intriguing is when you find how the lives of these people were meshed together
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