Unusual Occupations in The Royal Household
A look at some of the more esoteric occupations in the Royal Household, past and present.
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Mae west’s Lips, A Sofa, A Lobster Telephone known as the Aphrodisiac, West Sussex Dali Edwards and life in an english Country House, you have got to admit it is intriguing? Oh yes Edward the Prince of Whales, the Wellcome Foundation and just for good measure Somerset Maughan…oh what a tangled web the people and personalities spin throughout our history…
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Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth I, has allowed the release of a series of photos and personal letters giving a unique insight into the life of Queen Victoria
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With Queen Elizabeth’s Jubilee year underway, how did the Empire celebrate Queen Victoria’s Diamond Jubilee?
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The Act of Settlement in 1701, enshrined the exclusion of Catholics from the line of succession in England. It ensured the continuation of the House of Hanover.
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The last battle on British soil, the Battle of Culloden
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The theme of Empire and colonialism because it is this that charts the history of Britain from the C16th. The main thread of British expansion and imperialism is the history of the overseas trade routes….
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The assassination of Arch Duke Ferdinand in Sarajevo triggers a series of events that spark what was to lead to world war and a tragic loss of life, surely this would be” the war to end all wars…”
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Was it really “The Great Reform Act of 1832?” How would it have impacted on your family members….
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George, son of George III, becomes Prince Regent
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