British Miitary

Captain James Cook Mariner Navigator born 1728 Yorkshire

Where was Capt James Cook born in 1728 and what led to his distinguished naval career pioneering navigation…did your relatives know him, was your family connected and did any of your family sail with him on his famous expeditions, see our series of James Cook posts…

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British Prison Hulks New York Harbour 1776

During the American War of Independence, British prison hulks were moored in New York harbour. Many of the prisoners died on board these dismal and wretched ships. A list of some 8000 names of those who were on board can be searched online using the link To find other connections between your family history and…

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Captain Cook 1728 – 1779

An amazing wealth of geographical and scientific knowledge resulted from the expeditions undertaken by Captain Cook and his crew. They were pivotal in advancing Britain’s colonial aspirations

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Bringing your history to life

Arthur Banting R.E.M.E 1943 - 1946

Connect with the lives of your family members, capture the reality and essence of the story of their lives, documents,photos and map them with the places where they lived worked and played… here is an example…No why not become your own map maker and family treasure curator…

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Home Guard WWII

Many people in your family history will have served in the services in the last two World Wars but how many others did their bit in the Home Guard and how do we go about tracking them down. Use local museums and archives as a starting point to finding out about those one million volunteers.

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