THEMES Artifacts, objects and documents

Wiltshire Regiment Cap Badge 1954

The Wiltshire Regiment cap badge is part of the intriguing collection of military cap badges and related history. If anyone in your family tree was serving in any of the major wars in the last 250 years then you will this of interest.

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Great Migration of Canada 1815-1850

great canadian migration
This entry is part 1 of 3 in the series Canadian Migration

The Great Canadian Migration took place between 1815 and 1850 but what caused this migration and what impact did it have? Many people will have family history or family tree connections with Canada, people who will have been part of founding the nation of Canada

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Boer Wars

The Boer War was the first military clash of the C20th, it changed the face of warfare and brings great context for those studying their family history at such an important time in military history.

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