Posts by Amanda Moore INW
Medieval Music in Britain
Directly access this expert published work online for an authoritative view of the history of Medieval Music.This is by Frank Harrison a 19th cetury Senior Lecturer in Music at Oxford University. If you have discovered or would like to explore the wonders of British Medieval Music, Sacred Music or Polyphony then this is a great starting point. Click to access directly from here…an intriguing resource free to access and use online or to download.
Read MoreRichard III son of York buried in Leicester
Richard III son of York controversial king reinterment in 2015 in leicester. A new event on the House of York and Plantagement timeline, Whether you are a Ricardian or not, this has been a monumental week and here are some pictures resources and reflections on this intriguing moment in British history.
Read MorePlantagenet Roll of the Royal Blood
Plantagenet Roll of the Royal Blood Plantagenet Roll of the Royal Blood, 3 Ways to Check your Plantagenet Heritage Are you one of the many or one of the few? Watching and reading the media during this amazing week, it seems as if ‘the world and his wife’ were related to Richard III and the…
Read MoreOxford University Map of Colleges
Oxford University Map of Colleges dating back and showing the colleges with a numbered key in 1643. a preview to Intriguing Oxford and Oxfordshire. Follow this new series, starting with this map.
Read MoreBank of England History
Bank of England History next to the East India Company one of our oldest institutions and ironically as the old lady of Threadneedle Street one of the few ‘last men standing. Founded by an associate of Isaac Newton from Trinity College Cambridge days maybe not such a strange connection give Newton was Master of the Royal Mint. Rothschilds to the rescue, so many intriguing connections to an institution we think of as a steadying force. It was not always so. Find out more here…
Read MoreMobilising British History
Mobilising British History Mobilising or Mobilizing British History depending on which side of the pond you are on? We are busy completing many enhancements over the next two weeks and in particular the art and science, (it is a fine balance of the two it seems) of optimising this web project for all the popular…
Read MoreJoint Stock Ownership and the Corporate entity
Joint Stock Companies grew once the restrictive trade practices endorsed by the Bubble Act o 1720 were repealed, no longer requiring a Royal Charter to form a Company that could trade its stock accelerated the growth of business ownership and success of British business trade and industry in attracting the capital needed to expand and develop successful businesses across the Empire on the back of the Industrial Revolution.
Read MoreBattle of Fulford Gate 1066
Harald Hardrada or was it Hardraada (the Ruthless) conspired with the disaffected Tostig brother of the rightful King, (according to the late King Edward anyway) sets out to conquer York. Without this battle would William of Normandy have ever become King and won at Hastings? Follow the great local projects at the site of the battle and find out how history turned on what we think of as minor skirmishes but were really significant Battles. Two Battles north in 5 days and a forced march up and back down his realm can topple a King and his kingdom.
Read MoreRichard II King 1377-1399
Richard II son of the Black Prince and Grandson of Edward III what kind of a King would he make coming to the throne at just 9 years old, confronting the Peasants Revolt and growing-up with the burden of kingship. Follow his timeline and chronology of the events that shape his life and impact on his kingdom.
Read MoreSidney Street Siege and Winston Churchill 1911
Winston Churchill as Home Secretary 1911, dressed in Top Hat it could be mistaken for a scene from the Silent movies but find out what happened and decide for yourself was it ‘over-the-top’ for Winston to be there and to call in Artillery?
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