Posts by HLB
After The Battle of Waterloo
Britain after the Battle of Waterloo was thrown into a state of turmoil. A depression in part caused by the end of the war, left a divided society.
Read MoreWhat Caused the Industrial Revolution?
What caused the industrial revolution in 18th century Britain? Was it a great meeting together of scientific advancement and minds or something else? What part did the economy play in this frenzy of industrial advancement?
Read MoreJohn Strype’s Survey of London 1720
John Strype undertook a new survey of London in 1720, following the Great Fire of London in 1666, when so much of the Tudor London recorded in Stowes survey of 1598 had been lost
Read MoreJohn Gower 14th Century Poet
John Gower was one of the great Medieval poets and a friend and contemporary of Geoffrey Chaucer. He was poet laureate to King Richard II and then Henry IV.
Read MoreThe English Accent and Family History
What English accent did your ancestors speak with back in Elizabethan England? You might be surprised to learn that an American reciting Shakespeare is nearer to the mark than you or I.
Read MoreNew Data Register of the Anglo Boer War 1899-1902
The Anglo Boer War Register is a must for any family historian who has a sneaky suspicion that a member of their family served in the traumatic war 1899 – 1902.
Read MoreThe Goldsmiths Company
The Goldsmiths Company, founded in the 14th century, still plays an important role in society today. It maintains the Assay Office and the annual Pyx trial by which the nations currency is protected from being debased.
Read MoreDuke of Wellington Battle of Waterloo 1815
The Duke of Wellington stood at the Battle of Waterloo in 1815, facing yet again Napoleon and the French army. He probably never thought he would have to face the Frenchman again after his victory in the Peninsular Campaign. The bloody battle left Wellington victorious
Read MoreThe Midland Revolt 1607
The Midland Revolt 1607, a period of failed harvests, enclosure, famine and despondency. Shakespeare writes about this in his play Coriolanus and refers to other uprisings and tensions in his plays Henry IV and 2 Henry VI.
Read MoreThe Mercers’ Company
The Mercers’ Company is one of the top twelve Livery Companies in the City of London Considered by many to hold first place in the rank of the Livery Companies, the illustrious names on its roll of members, charitable associations and trusts, it can have a justified claim to its position as such. Its corporate…
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