Posts by HLB

Smallpox Inoculation 1721


Smallpox is a devastating disease that holds a unique place in medical history. The foresight of people such as Lady Montague helped in it’s eradication. Many people had their lives saved due to her persistent and courageous actions before Jenner’s vaccination took over.

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History Pin WWI Hub

Use the History Pin WWI Hub to share your WWI project and let others connect with what you are doing. Your project may be large or small but by sharing it, many more people will be able to make links and connections with you.

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The Berlin Wall a Monument

Berlin Wall

The remains of the Berlin Wall stand as a monument to a cold time, when a population of civilians who were suffering, were made to suffer more. The Soviets had their way and the wall stood from 1961 to 1989.

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Small Scale Time Lines

Small scale or local timelines are a super way of gathering masses of data and presenting it in a simple but informative way. Local timelines are also a good way for a whole community to get involved with a local history project.

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Red Cross POW Records

The Red Cross POW records are now digitized and available online to search. For many family historians these records complete the story of their ancestors who served in WWI.

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New DNA Studies

A new study of European DNA has revealed a third population group that make up the DNA of modern Europeans.

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Operation War Diary

Operation War Diary is a crowd sourced project to classify the WWI diaries of the British Army on the Western Front. A project involving the Imperial War Museum and the National Archive.

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Halloween Pagan or Christian Celebration?


The origins of Halloween as a moment when mankind acknowledges or pays some kind of homage to the light giving way to darkness, are buried deeply in mans past. Each culture and it’s attendant religion seems to recognize the importance of this yearly passage and morphs it into it’s own.

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