Richard III Illegitimate?

This entry is part 4 of 5 in the series House of York

Richard III Illegitimate?

In August 2012, the University of Leicester, the Richard III society and Leicester City Council collaborated on a project to search for the lost grave of Richard III. This was a project entered into with a spirit of hopefulness, the chances of them being successful at best fifty fifty.  King Richard III was the last English king to die in battle. History and Shakespeare has painted us a picture of Richard as a cruel and bitter man, responsible for the death of his two nephews in the Tower of London, whose own death gave way to the Tudor monarchs. His life lived out in the turmoil of the War of the Roses.

The excavation in the centre of Leicester uncovered not only the friary of Grey Friars but also a battle-scarred skeleton with spinal curvature. In 2013, 528 years after he was placed in the ground, in what is thought to have been a rather unceremonious interment, the University of Leicester was able to announce to the world’s press that these were the remains of King Richard III.

As further work has been carried out on the DNA of the Royal remains, another surprising piece of evidence has come to light. Play the video to find out more.

Video for Leicester University on Richard III and DNA

richard III   Google Search

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