The Midland Revolt 1607

Midland Revolt 1607

The Midland Revolt 1607, a period of failed harvests, enclosure, famine and despondency. Shakespeare writes about this in his play Coriolanus and refers to other uprisings and tensions in his plays Henry IV and 2 Henry VI.

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George Duke of Clarence

Clarences had three children Edward Margaret and Richard
This entry is part 2 of 5 in the series House of York

George Duke of Clarence may have been the only legitimate heir in the House of York he married the Kingmaker’s daughter what happened to their children? Margaret of York, Edward Plantagenet and Richard of York were born to rank and privilege but how would their lives stand-up to the brutal times of the War of the Roses?

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The Mercers’ Company

mercers' company

The Mercers’ Company is one of the top twelve Livery Companies in the City of London Considered by many to hold first place in the rank of the Livery Companies, the illustrious names on its roll of members,  charitable associations and trusts, it can have a justified claim to its position as such. Its corporate…

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Women’s Roles in Edwardian Era

Working women in the Edwardian era

What were women’s roles in the Edwardian era of British history? What changes in society occurred that moved women towards acceptance in the workplace? The events after the Edwardian era would catapult women towards new opportunities.

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Who was Catherine of Valois?

Catherine of Valois
This entry is part 5 of 12 in the series Intriguing Women

Who was Catherine of Valois whose short life included being the daughter of a King, married to one, the mother of one and the grandmother of another? One of history’s most interesting characters from the 15th century.

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Medieval Music in Britain

great resource on Medieval Music and its history
This entry is part 1 of 2 in the series Intriguing Resources

Directly access this expert published work online for an authoritative view of the history of Medieval Music.This is by Frank Harrison a 19th cetury Senior Lecturer in Music at Oxford University. If you have discovered or would like to explore the wonders of British Medieval Music, Sacred Music or Polyphony then this is a great starting point. Click to access directly from here…an intriguing resource free to access and use online or to download.

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Richard III son of York buried in Leicester

This entry is part 5 of 5 in the series House of York

Richard III son of York controversial king reinterment in 2015 in leicester. A new event on the House of York and Plantagement timeline, Whether you are a Ricardian or not, this has been a monumental week and here are some pictures resources and reflections on this intriguing moment in British history.

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Plantagenet Roll of the Royal Blood

King Richard III Bosworth

Plantagenet Roll of the Royal Blood Plantagenet Roll of the Royal Blood, 3 Ways to Check your Plantagenet Heritage Are you one of the many or one of the few? Watching and reading the media during this amazing week, it seems as if ‘the world and his wife’ were related to Richard III and the…

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Oxford University Map of Colleges

Old map of Oxford University and town dated 1643 17th Century

Oxford University Map of Colleges dating back and showing the colleges with a numbered key in 1643. a preview to Intriguing Oxford and Oxfordshire. Follow this new series, starting with this map.

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Bank of England History

Bank of England Sealing of the Charter

Bank of England History next to the East India Company one of our oldest institutions and ironically as the old lady of Threadneedle Street one of the few ‘last men standing. Founded by an associate of Isaac Newton from Trinity College Cambridge days maybe not such a strange connection give Newton was Master of the Royal Mint. Rothschilds to the rescue, so many intriguing connections to an institution we think of as a steadying force. It was not always so. Find out more here…

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