20th Century 1900-1999
Britain from above project great for historians
An interesting project of aerial photos of Britain, free to use, sign-up collate, curate, share and moree free and well worth a look as aerial photos are not that easy to source. Use them for your history project right now!
Read MoreQueen Elizabeth II Coronation 1953
Queen Elizabeth IICoronation 1953
Read MoreHistorical Significance of C20th Science, Bletchley Park and the WWW
What technological advances in the C20th will be seen to have made the biggest impact on society?
Read MoreRichard Feynman Physicist or artist, you decide…
Richard Freynman, physicist and artist, the two combined in a vortex of brilliance
Read MoreSalvador Dali and Edward James collaborated on two artworks together in West Sussex?
Mae west’s Lips, A Sofa, A Lobster Telephone known as the Aphrodisiac, West Sussex Dali Edwards and life in an english Country House, you have got to admit it is intriguing? Oh yes Edward the Prince of Whales, the Wellcome Foundation and just for good measure Somerset Maughan…oh what a tangled web the people and personalities spin throughout our history…
Read MoreIntriguing Arctic Sea Ice Maps
Arctic Ice Maps reveal seventy years of fascinating scientific and historical data
Read MoreCodes and Deciphering that Changed the Course of History
The work of code makers and code breakers has had an enormous impact in determining the course of history.
Read MoreWWII Conscription April 1939
April 1939 the first ever conscription in peacetime in Britain
Read MoreLast Remnants of British Colonial Rule
British Colonial rule. What will the release of the ‘Migrated Archives’ available for examination at The National Archive, tell us about the final demise of the British Empire. Quiet waters or turbulent currents beneath the surface?
Read MoreRefugee Children 1937 fleeing Spain for Britain
Spanish children were brought to Britain as refugees fleeing from the German bombing of their towns and cities. A reluctant British government took them in but it was left to volunteer organisations to fend for them. Returning to their own country and ‘welcomed’ back by Franco as traitors….
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