THEME The Law and History
1867 Britain’s Second Reform Act and Bill
The Reform Bills of the C19th had an enormous impact on our ancestors lives, second reform act in britain in 1867.
Read MoreThe Corn Laws 1815
The implementation of the Corn Laws 1815 had a profound effect on the people of Britain, how did families cope with the hardship they found themselves in?
Read MoreGreat Reform Act 1832 and the riots that preceeded.
Was it really “The Great Reform Act of 1832?” How would it have impacted on your family members….
Read MoreRegency Act 1811
George, son of George III, becomes Prince Regent
Read MoreGilberts Act 1782
Gilberts Act 1782, another act that disadvantaged the poor…and this was supposed to be one of the better ones?
Read MorePoor Law England 1601
Reasons for implementation of Poor Law 1601
Read MoreReview of the Poor Law Act 1832
Poor Law in British History was just that ‘poor’ it gave little hope or respite and for hundreds of years adopted an approach which was draconian and punitive. In 1832 the Review of the Poor Law by Earl Grey should have been an opportunity for change and positive improvements in social justice and welfare but sadly at the close of the Georgian period such reform was still a long way off.
Read MoreRepeal of Anti-emigration Laws 1825
Emigration to America and Canada after repeal of Anti-emigration Law 1825
Read MoreBritain Applies Poor Law Act to Ireland 1838
Poor Law 1834 is applied to Ireland
Read MoreMetropolitan Police Act 1839
The Metropolitan Police Act of 1839 gave greatly increased powers to the Metropolitan Police. The district over which it operated was increased to cover a 15 mile radius from Charing Cross. Constables were given ‘all powers and privileges’ in the counties of Berks, Bucks and on the River Thames. Within the Port of London they…
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