THEME Science, engineering and innovation

Smallpox Vaccination 1853

Smallpox vaccination 1853
This entry is part 1 of 1 in the series History of Medicine

The compulsory smallpox vaccination 1853 was another step by parliament in an attempt to protect society from the ravages of this disease. The disease was killing 20% of those infected and tearing it’s way through urban communities.

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Edmund Halley died 1742

Halleys Comet Astronomer who again is contributing to the observations of the natural world and universe that free-up and discard old thinking , creating the climate that would foster the period of enlightenment that was to follow.

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1824 Patent for Portland cement

The 1824 patent for portland cement, an immensely important patent that allowed us the docks, the sewers and tunnels under the Thames.The importance of Portland cement in the development of English towns and cities cannot be underestimated.

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1795 Sterilization process for preserving food introduced

‘An army travels on it’s stomach’, so Napoleon said and seeing so many of his troops suffering from diseases that had more to do with hunger and scurvy than with battle wounds, he determined to do something about it. The French government offered a prize of 12,000F to the person who could invent a method…

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