
The Royal Society

Royal Society

The Royal Society for the promotion of natural knowledge is one of Britain’s longest standing organisations, its members some of the worlds most brilliant minds.

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C17th Human Dissection and Resurectionists

The enlightenment period of the C17th brought with it a new approach to science based on observation and experimentation and with that came the practice of human dissection in open observation anatomical theatres.

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Wellcome Trust Mapping Britain’s Genealogy

The Wellcome Trust’s map of British Genealogy reveals some fascinating insights into the DNA make up of the British Isles and heralds a whole new area of scientific and historical research. Just how Anglo Saxon are we? Go and see for yourself at The Royal Society’s summer exhibition.

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John Snow Mapping Cholera 1859

Joseph Bazalgette

Sometimes events happen in history, that have a profound effect upon all people, the epidemiological studies of John Snow in his pursuit of the cause of cholera was one just event

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The Lunar Society bringing together brilliant minds

2012 Full Moon
This entry is part 13 of 14 in the series Industrial Revolution

The Lunar Society bringing together brilliant minds The Lunar Society bringing together brilliant minds happened because of a full moon. Those who joined together to become the ‘Lunar Circle’ or ‘Lunar Club’ as it was formerly known in 1775. The meetings of these fellows, with such fertile minds changed an age. The original ‘Lunarmen’,  gathered together for…

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