Medieval Music in Britain

great resource on Medieval Music and its history
This entry is part 1 of 2 in the series Intriguing Resources

Directly access this expert published work online for an authoritative view of the history of Medieval Music.This is by Frank Harrison a 19th cetury Senior Lecturer in Music at Oxford University. If you have discovered or would like to explore the wonders of British Medieval Music, Sacred Music or Polyphony then this is a great starting point. Click to access directly from here…an intriguing resource free to access and use online or to download.

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Plantagenet Roll of the Royal Blood

King Richard III Bosworth

Plantagenet Roll of the Royal Blood Plantagenet Roll of the Royal Blood, 3 Ways to Check your Plantagenet Heritage Are you one of the many or one of the few? Watching and reading the media during this amazing week, it seems as if ‘the world and his wife’ were related to Richard III and the…

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Oxford University Map of Colleges

Old map of Oxford University and town dated 1643 17th Century

Oxford University Map of Colleges dating back and showing the colleges with a numbered key in 1643. a preview to Intriguing Oxford and Oxfordshire. Follow this new series, starting with this map.

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American History in Law a chronology

American History told by the English translations of the original sources from Columbus to the modern day. There is something that is so enlightening and inspiring the closer to the source material you can get. There is quite a lot of overlap here between what impacts on American and British History and its a fascinating set of documents from the Yale Avalon Project and Collection.

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People of Northern England Database

The People of Northern England (PONE) database is not new but not much heard about either. This database is of the people in the Northern counties of Northumberland, Cumberland and Westmorland from the C13th. It is drawn from two types of material, one financial and one legal. The financial material is drawn from the pipe…

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Medieval Soldiers List

Although the Medieval Muster roll resource has been around for about 5 years it is worth visiting again. Early surname data is hard to access and so this resource is an extremely useful collection of early surnames. Why useful to family historians? Well if you are lucky enough to find your surname or variation, then…

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C17th London Inhabitants

London Inhabitants in C17th. Wouldn’t it be great to find out who was walking these streets then. These lists can be found free online at British History Online and are a fascinating read. As data gets absorbed into the big genealogical search engines it’s nice to re-visit old sources.

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History Pin WWI Hub

Use the History Pin WWI Hub to share your WWI project and let others connect with what you are doing. Your project may be large or small but by sharing it, many more people will be able to make links and connections with you.

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