Indian Sub-continent

Operation War Diary

Operation War Diary is a crowd sourced project to classify the WWI diaries of the British Army on the Western Front. A project involving the Imperial War Museum and the National Archive.

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Tension between East India Company & British Government 1784

Tension East India Company and British Government The East India Company Act of 1784 The British presence in India was a result of the trading opportunities grasped by the East India Company way back at the start of the C17th. The company monopolised trade, had it’s own armies and ruled and regulated itself. The 18th century saw…

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Khaki uniforms for British troops 1848

British colonial troops in India in 1848, were issued with khaki uniforms to give them camouflage in the arid dusty conditions they found themselves in. Khaki is the Hindi word meaning ‘dust covered’. Take a look at old military photos, the type of uniform could give you a hint if your ancestor served overseas and…

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