Richard I Coeur de Lion Plantagenet King

This entry is part 3 of 7 in the series Plantagenet Monarchs

Richard the First, Richard Coeur de Lion the Lionheart, hero or villain? How does he fit in history why was he so absent from England. A formative member of the House of Angevin as son of Henry II…was he a better King than his younger brother King John?

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Henry II Plantagenet King of England

This entry is part 2 of 7 in the series Plantagenet Monarchs

Henry II creates the Anjevin Empire but by failing to unite his sons and wife in the line of succession causes more trouble than he resolves, what would happen during his reign kicks-off the English Plantagenet dynasty but also sows the seeds of it’s demise…

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Angevin and Plantagenet Empire

Fontevraud Abbey

What led to the downfall of the Anjevin Empire? Where does the word Plantagenet come from? When did the French last successfully invade england? A converging and connecting point in history between empires and dynasties find out more with this linked chrnology…

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Wellcome Trust Mapping Britain’s Genealogy

The Wellcome Trust’s map of British Genealogy reveals some fascinating insights into the DNA make up of the British Isles and heralds a whole new area of scientific and historical research. Just how Anglo Saxon are we? Go and see for yourself at The Royal Society’s summer exhibition.

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Foretelling The Future. The Science of Hooke and Higgs

Hooke and Hggs Boson Collision of Particles

Robert Hooke’s memorial tablet in St Paul’s Cathedral, calls Hooke ‘One of the most ingenious men who ever lived’, Hooke had the ability to creatively question science, to prompt debate and hopefully to make others think about future developments, even hundreds of years after his death. Peter Higgs never thought that his theories and predictions would be realized in his lifetime, just like Hooke and other great scientists his work has paved the way for others to think creatively and the result has been the discovery of the Higg’s Boson.

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Iona heart of Celtic Christianity

Book of Kells on Intriguing History's Church and Religion

Iona the centre of the development of Celtic Christianity the base with Lindisfarne from which Pagan Northumbria is converted, possible place of creation of the masterpiece and artefact of illuminated manuscript the Book of Kells leaving an enduring imprint on our history…

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Thomas Becket and Henry II

The relationship between Henry King of England and Thomas, banker turned confidant and Archbishop was probably one of the most intriguing in English history.

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Statute of Labourers 1351

This entry is part 1 of 5 in the series Reforming Women
This entry is part 4 of 6 in the series Reform
This entry is part 4 of 15 in the series Reformers and Radicals
This entry is part 4 of 7 in the series Poor Law through the Ages

In 1351 following Plague and pestilence there was a shortage of Labour and the ruling elite were not happy to have to ‘suffer’ the inflationary costs that resulted as workers for the first time had the power to refuse to work for low wages. Was this the distant start of organised labour in Britain and a capsule that reflects the uneasy relationship between the monarch, parliament and the people…Will the Peasants Revolt?

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Shakespeares Quartos Digitised with full text search

Shakespeares works

Shakespeares Quartos in high resolution with searchable online text, precious artefacts at your fingertips so that you can virtually touch these priceless resources and harness them in your own historical research…a beacon of light in the field of digital history and humanities…led by the Bodleian Library quite inspiring

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