Posts by Amanda Moore INW

England as an Heptarchy

The birth of a nation and the emerging dominance of House of wessexe House of

7 Kingdoms Making 1 England with Alfred uniting the enterprise and the Vikings creating the climate in which English Unification was a better option that continuing domination of the Vikings. The Kingdoms hold the key into how these regions fought and conquered and rose up against the invaders to reverse the fortunes of England and set in place what would hold until the Norman Conquest, how would we turn the corner and become one people as Bede had alluded to…

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Early Historical Documents and Chronicles

have you heard of Bede? Wondered how we know what happened in the Anglo Saxon Period. Got a pet interest in early history of the British and the places in which they lived worked, fought and played? Then accessing these crucial early resources will be great for you and your history interests. A brief survey will give you the overview and find out about forthcoming eBooks which will help you further utilise these resources wihtout having to read then cover to cover…

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Anglo Saxon Burhs Map

Anglo Saxon Burhs

Burhs were strategic military civil and trading locations, fortified and enabling Alfred and his successor to hold off a full-scale Danish invasion. Strategic locations, building on sound Roman foundations and existing earthworks and fortifications. These were crucial to Alfred’s success and to his son Edward the Elder, Explore the map and discover whether a town near you was part of the Anglo Saxon defense of the realm of Wessex and Mercia.

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Dumnonia and Dumnonii the Kingdom and People


The Dumnonii were they a group of celtic tribes, already established when the Romans invaded, and only subjugated finally by Egbert of Wessex in 838…along the path to the unification of England and subsequently Britain…

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King Ine of Wessex 688-726

King Ine started British Law Code and ruled in Wessex, founding the stone church at Gastonbury Abbey and abdicating to go on a pilgrimage Rome, He did not expand his dominion of Wessex but he made other notable contributions and was committed to the early Christian Church.

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