Posts by HLB
Military Timelines For Family History.
Timelines can be very useful to family historians when trying to find a simple way to view the chronology of what is often a complicated event
Read MoreGreat Royal Naval Battles from Sulys to the Falklands
Battles fought at sea have long been the defining point of many wars, from as early as 1340, to the Falkland War of thirty years ago, Britain has maintained a history of Naval supremacy
Read MoreVoyages of Discovery,Tentative Reaches into an Unknown World
The early days of exploration, those voyages of discovery. Did Magellan or one of his ships become the first to reach the Falkland Islands? We will probably never know but he certainly forged the way to the Pacific and beyond
Read MoreRefugee Children 1937 fleeing Spain for Britain
Spanish children were brought to Britain as refugees fleeing from the German bombing of their towns and cities. A reluctant British government took them in but it was left to volunteer organisations to fend for them. Returning to their own country and ‘welcomed’ back by Franco as traitors….
Read MoreBritish Home Children Canada Resources
When searching in your family history for a missing child, consider looking at records for The British Home Children to Canada databases, or you can add your own data to an ever growing list of children
Read MoreColonial Ancestors? Explore East India Company Timelines
Trying to track down and explore the lives of colonial ancestors? Use time lines to extend and enrich your family history project.
Read MoreOil Production and Supply an Intriguing History
When was it that oil was thought to have a large scale economic value and how is this linked to the near extinction of the sperm whale?
Read MoreDigital Handsworth Timeline, Maps, Themes
The Digital Handsworth Project is a good example of how a local area can pull together a coherent, interactive site for local history
Read MoreQueen Victoria’s Diamond Jubilee
With Queen Elizabeth’s Jubilee year underway, how did the Empire celebrate Queen Victoria’s Diamond Jubilee?
Read MoreFitzroy The Master Meteorologist
Robert Fitzroy, not a name that springs readily to mind, unless you listen to the shipping forecast of course. What role did this C19th sailor play in the foundation of a national meteorological office?
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