Posts by HLB

Paganism and Christianity

Paganism and Christianity, building the early churches on Pagan mounds

Paganism and Christianity in C7th England was a complex dance of power and politics and the emergence of closer ties to our continental neighbours.

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Royal Arms In Church

Arms King James I

Royal Arms can be found in many English parish churches but are easy to overlook. The question is what was their purpose and what can we learn about English history by studying them?

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Church Seals and Arms

Church seals and arms Bishop Benedictus

Church seals and arms appear in many of England’s churches and cathedrals but what were they for and what do they tell us about the church in the C13th?

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C17th Human Dissection and Resurectionists

The enlightenment period of the C17th brought with it a new approach to science based on observation and experimentation and with that came the practice of human dissection in open observation anatomical theatres.

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Europes Oldest University

Europe's oldest university

The Medieval universities and the cities in which they sit continue to inspire and engage us. Bologna Italy, lays claim to founding Europe’s oldest university in 1088, how far reaching was this seat of learning?

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Workhouse and Poor Law Data.

1908 children's act

What Poor Law and workhouse records can you use to add contextual colour to your family history? How can you find out more about the events that shaped our pauper ancestors. How many of your family were in the workhouse?

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The Cyrus Cylinder

Cyrus Cylinder

The Cyrus Cylinder is one of the world’s most intriguing and important written artefacts. Usually kept at the British Museum it is currently on tour in America.

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