King Cerdic the first King of Wessex?( from unknown date to death circa 530 Anglo Saxon Chronicles)
The earliest reference to Cerdic as the 1st King of Wessex is made in the Anglo Saxon Chronicles (which were written much later in the 9th century.) The chronicles mention that he died circa 530 and that he was possibly Saxon by descent, a warlord who landed in England around 495. There is little to support this and as the account is written some 400 years later it is possible that Cerdic was largely a fable or legendary King. There are references to the House of Cerdic but the lineage is very difficult if not impossible to determine. Or at least up until the date of writing that is the case (2014.) for more on the House of Wessex click here
One of the claims is that Cerdic attacked Portchester in 501 AD but did not capture it. Hampshire has many intriguing connections to Cerdic.
Visit our site on Hampshire History to learn more about this Anglo Saxon ‘king’ Cerdic