C18th Studies Resource
This great site from University of Southampton, on C18th resources, deserves to be explored by family and social historians for the wealth of excellent links it provides
Read MoreWhat was the spinning mule?
The totally incredible Spinning Mule, invented by Samuel Crompton, revolutionised spinning in the 19th Century. It is another example of changes that fueled the Industrial Revolution.
Read MoreFirst Fleet to Australia 1787
First fleet to Australia, an amazing achievement by convicts, guards, sailors and families together, a journey against all odds
Read MoreState Intervention escalates in Victorian Britain
The industrial revolution brought immense benefits to Victorian society but it also brought huge problems to society. Government responded with intervention at every level and an explosion of civil servants and bureaucrats to cope with the fast unraveling problems.
Read MoreIndustrial Revolution source of enlightenment
The Industrial Revolution was a complex period but did it have it’s origins in the Enlightenment period that preceded it? In itself did it create an enlightened period of social reform?
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