Winston Churchill 50th Anniversary Tribute
The start of a series of some facets of Winston Churchill and his intriguing connections, the character of the man himself his triumphs and failures, his polymorphic abilities, science, writing, oratory excellence, the people he knew and what he thought about them and vice versa. Simply one of the most intriguing men in at least British 20th century history, he had his failing but packed huge amounts in to a life of extremes and huge contrasts. What can we find and connect as a series on the intriguing people he was involved with, how he promoted and developed science and technology throughout his career and a little colour about the character of the man.
Read MoreTreaty of Troyes 1420
Treaties for peace, to resolve conflict, seal a marriage, create trade opportunities or simply to fuel naked ambition of a king? Treaty of Troyes a wedding and a truce for England or does it seal the fate of the House of Lancaster, see the sun set on York and an early dawn for a new dynasty the Tudors? Sounds far-fetched? Read-on since when did a Treaty actually create the conditions for lasting peace? Part 1 of a series of posts on Treaties and the Trouble that lies ahead.
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1st Woman Bishop Libby Lane ordained by the Church of England by the Archbishop of York, what a moment in British History to celebrate.
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Aethelwulf King of Wessex whose son Alfred the Great becomes one of Britain’s most charismatic and influential monarchs
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The remains of King Richard III discovered in Leicester in 2013, continue to shed new light on the dynasty that ruled during the War of the Roses.
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Who was Simon de Montfort? He was a man who wore many labels during his colourful life He was, in no particular order; The Earl of Leicester Brother in law to King Henry III of England Son of Simon de Montfort, a crusader Grandson of Amicie de Leicester, eldest daughter of Robert de Beaumont, 3rd Earl…
Read MorePetition of Right 1628
Key legal documents in our history includes the 1628 Petiton of Right
Read MoreEdward II King of England
Edward II King of England 1284-1327 Edward II King of England’s mother sought to depose her own son. It cannot be the sign of a strong kingship surely? Judge for yourself with this brief summary timeline, family trees and short narrative of the life of Edward II, king of England. Acceding to the throne in 1307 Edward II’s reign…
Read MoreWhy the French lost the Battle of Agincourt
Why did the French lose the Battle of Agincourt when they so vastly out numbered the English troops?
Read MoreEdward I King of England
Born to an unenviable heritage with the infamous John as his grand-father and Henry III a failing father how would Edward I change the tide that had swept before him? Was it even possible and how would his life map-out and impact on the development and history of Britain? Find out about Edward’s reign and timeline of major events, his ancestors and descendents and family tree here as part of our Plantagenet collection.
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