Features TUDOR

George Duke of Clarence

Clarences had three children Edward Margaret and Richard
This entry is part 2 of 5 in the series House of York

George Duke of Clarence may have been the only legitimate heir in the House of York he married the Kingmaker’s daughter what happened to their children? Margaret of York, Edward Plantagenet and Richard of York were born to rank and privilege but how would their lives stand-up to the brutal times of the War of the Roses?

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Queen Elizabeth I Statue London

Queen Elizabeth I statue
This entry is part 4 of 5 in the series Intriguing London

The Queen Elizabeth I statue in London is that city’s oldest outdoor statue but it no longer stands where it was intended. It was re-positioned in the 1920’s and unveiled by Millicent Fawcett, the noted feminist.

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William Tyndale

William Tyndale

William Tyndale appeared in 1526, determined to translate the New Testament into English but why was this so important? How did King Henry VIII deal with Tyndale was he supportive of him or did he see him as a heretic?

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Thomas Cromwell

Thomas Cromwell

Thomas Cromwell, the black clad lawyer who rose to power after the decline and death of the red clad Cardinal Wolsey. King Henry’s advisor and who figaratively wielded the axe across the neck of many Tudor conservatives.

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Shakespeares Quartos Digitised with full text search

Shakespeares works

Shakespeares Quartos in high resolution with searchable online text, precious artefacts at your fingertips so that you can virtually touch these priceless resources and harness them in your own historical research…a beacon of light in the field of digital history and humanities…led by the Bodleian Library quite inspiring

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The Golden Hind

Golden Hind London

The Golden Hind will be part of Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee flotilla down the Thames, what impact did Drakes voyage have on the nation just over 430 years ago?

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