Theme Migration Features

British Home Children Canada Resources

When searching in your family history for a missing child, consider looking at records for The British Home Children to Canada databases, or you can add your own data to an ever growing list of children

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Internal Migration

Internal Migration As family historians, one of our objectives is to try to determine where our ancestors originally came from. Another is to try and make sense of and follow their movements. We all have ‘lost’ ancestors, who seem to disappear or pop up in unexpected places! Understanding the social history helps us to make…

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How did the Jamestown colony survive?

This entry is part 2 of 3 in the series American Migration

How did the Jamestown Colonists survive? They went in search of finding their fortunes, full of hope and ambition. The reality was much harsher and more difficult than they could have imagined. Find out here how they survive their rials and tribulations.

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Battle of Bull Run 1861 American Civil War Animated Map Snippet

Maps migration and the American Civil war an intriguing snippet of the possible connections and resources available t family historians. The American Civil War did it touch your family history, if you had family members and ancestors in America at the time of the civil war what were they doing and did they sign-up?

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