THEME Social reform and change

Victorian Hospitals

Until the C19th century, serious illness amongst our ancestors was treated at home. The establishment of Victorian hospitals began as overcrowded workhouse infirmaries could no longer cope with the volume of patients in their care

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The Lunar Society bringing together brilliant minds

2012 Full Moon
This entry is part 13 of 14 in the series Industrial Revolution

The Lunar Society bringing together brilliant minds The Lunar Society bringing together brilliant minds happened because of a full moon. Those who joined together to become the ‘Lunar Circle’ or ‘Lunar Club’ as it was formerly known in 1775. The meetings of these fellows, with such fertile minds changed an age. The original ‘Lunarmen’,  gathered together for…

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Educational Reform,State and School in C19th Britain

Prior to the Industrial Revolution the state played no role in the education of children. The Industrial Revolution however saw families forced into dense housing in the new industrial towns and gangs of untamed children roamed the streets, answerable to few, including the church and the government knew it had to intervene. The government thought…

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State Intervention escalates in Victorian Britain

Industrial Revolution

The industrial revolution brought immense benefits to Victorian society but it also brought huge problems to society. Government responded with intervention at every level and an explosion of civil servants and bureaucrats to cope with the fast unraveling problems.

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Florence Nightingale and Women’s Suffrage

Florence Nightingale and Women’s Suffrage Florence had a vision that went beyond her incredible organisational and nursing abilities. Her attitudes made her capable of anticipating the dramatic events that would unfold for women in the late stages of the C19th and early C20th. She wrote  ‘Till a woman can be in possession of her own…

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