Middle East

Holy Land Digital Atlas

Digital atlas of the Holy Land

The Holy Land digital atlas draws on many disciplines to curate the history of these ancient places. Much of  the western worlds religious history and culture, stems from the history of the ancient Holy Lands. The lands of the three great world faiths, Judaism, Christianity and Islam blend and side step each other and the…

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Convention of London 1840

When Muhammad Ali defeated the Ottomans and took control of not only Egypt and the Sudan but other Ottoman assets including its own naval fleet Austria Britain Prussia and Russia sought to ensure stability but the French backed Muhammad Ali. Hence the British and Austrian troops attacked Acre to force the peace…

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The Cyrus Cylinder

Cyrus Cylinder

The Cyrus Cylinder is one of the world’s most intriguing and important written artefacts. Usually kept at the British Museum it is currently on tour in America.

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Coptic Christianity

Coptic Christians

Coptic Christianity has provided the world with some of Christianity’s oldest and most controversial Christian texts, including the Nag Hammadi texts and now, most recently, the small piece of papyrus hinting at the possibility that Jesus Christ had a wife

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The Crusades A Background


The Crusades are a well recognized part of our history but what do we know about the background to the crusades of the C11th and C12th. What motivated men to take up arms and travel hundreds of miles to fight in a land and against a people they knew little or nothing about?

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Richard I Coeur de Lion Plantagenet King

This entry is part 3 of 7 in the series Plantagenet Monarchs

Richard the First, Richard Coeur de Lion the Lionheart, hero or villain? How does he fit in history why was he so absent from England. A formative member of the House of Angevin as son of Henry II…was he a better King than his younger brother King John?

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