Did your ancestor die abroad or onboard?
Do you have an ancestor you are struggling to find a death certificate for? They appear on census returns but locating the death certificate remains a problem..
Read MoreEducation Acts of 1870, 1873, 1876, tough on poor families?
The affect of the Education Acts on poor families and the shape of social reform and development in the 19th century and beyond.
Read MoreAbsence from school in rural areas 1876
The Rural Poor and Education 1876
Read MoreFirst Teacher Training Scheme 1846
The first teacher training colleges
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Building the Empire State building 1929, when did they invent the lift?
Read MoreFounding of the East India Company 1600
Run as if it was it’s own state, was it a cause for good or evil?
Read MoreMigrations to India from 1600
The migration of people from Britain to India began hundreds of years ago and our histories have been exquisitely bound together ever since
Read MoreDerwent Dam and the Dam Busters
What is the intriguing connection between Derwent Dam and 617 Squadron?
Read MorePoor Law Amendment Act 1834
The draconian Poor Law Amendment Act of 1834 was to seal the fate and abject misery of many poor people through the majority of the19th century. Find out here the basis of the law and how it was implemented in Victorian Britain.
Read MoreEnglish Immigrants In US 1890
US states census 1890, numbers of English immigrants in each state
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