
Hiroshima an English Perspective

Yamaki 390 year old tree a Hiroshima survivor

Hiroshima an English Perspective on 70th Commemoration in the spirit of hope, resilience and reconciliation with thanks to a unique 390 year old Bonsai Tree, a blog post with references and links commemorating this the 70th anniversary of these dark days but with hope for the future and thanks to Master Yamaki.

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Reconnecting with Burma

Reonnecting Burma and Britain

Our strong historical connections with Burma are remembered today as the British prime minister David Cameron visits Burma. The names of Rangoon and Mandalay form strong visions in the minds of many as we reconnect with this beautiful and strategically important country

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Scotsmen Thomas Blake Glover, Mitsubishi and Kirin Beer

Outstanding Scotsmen and the Far East seem to go together in the 19th and early 20th centuries, being responsible for business and trading companies that are still thriving today. Thomas Blake Glover was one such man, arguably responsible for much of the success of the Meiji Restoration and the overthrow of the Shogun and forming the basis of the new and open Japan and it’s industrial success that continues to this day…

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Japan and the Colonial Powers

Japan was forced to open up it’s ports for trade with the west but this resulted in the Japanese have an unequal and uneasy relationship with the west in the years that followed

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1841 British Census and the wider world

Put the 1841 British census in a world wide context, by taking a look at some of the global events that had an impact on the lives of our ancestors, see how your family history connects to the past.

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Invention of the whippletree

The Chinese invented the whippletree, this allowed two oxen to pull a single cart together, this meant double the load, so halving the journey time. This invention probably dates between 190 – 209 AD. Related posts:Telford’s Menai Straits Bridge 1826 Thomas Telford’s Menai Straits Bridge opened on 30th January 1826. It was the first modern…

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