
Royal Arms In Church

Arms King James I

Royal Arms can be found in many English parish churches but are easy to overlook. The question is what was their purpose and what can we learn about English history by studying them?

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King Edward IV’s Mistress Jane Shore

Painting of Jane Shore by William Blake
This entry is part 4 of 12 in the series Intriguing Women

King Richard III, King Edward IV and Jane Shore. Just how was the life of this woman bound up in the enthralling politics of the Middle Ages when war was raging across the country. Jane’s name is linked to some of the most important men of the period. What influence did she bring upon their lives?

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England as an Heptarchy

The birth of a nation and the emerging dominance of House of wessexe House of

7 Kingdoms Making 1 England with Alfred uniting the enterprise and the Vikings creating the climate in which English Unification was a better option that continuing domination of the Vikings. The Kingdoms hold the key into how these regions fought and conquered and rose up against the invaders to reverse the fortunes of England and set in place what would hold until the Norman Conquest, how would we turn the corner and become one people as Bede had alluded to…

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King Ine of Wessex 688-726

King Ine started British Law Code and ruled in Wessex, founding the stone church at Gastonbury Abbey and abdicating to go on a pilgrimage Rome, He did not expand his dominion of Wessex but he made other notable contributions and was committed to the early Christian Church.

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The Tower of London.

The Tower of London still stands as a symbol for the strength and greatness of the city of London, occupying a position as afortress for nearly two thousand years.

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