THEME History of Organisations
Europes Oldest University
The Medieval universities and the cities in which they sit continue to inspire and engage us. Bologna Italy, lays claim to founding Europe’s oldest university in 1088, how far reaching was this seat of learning?
Read MoreCoptic Christianity
Coptic Christianity has provided the world with some of Christianity’s oldest and most controversial Christian texts, including the Nag Hammadi texts and now, most recently, the small piece of papyrus hinting at the possibility that Jesus Christ had a wife
Read MoreKing Richard III of England Found Facts and Fiction
Richard III found in a Car Park with an Arrow in His back, can this be him, who was he and how can we distinguish him fact from fiction and the character assasination given him by William Shakespeare?
(This post will be updated, original posted in 2012.
England as an Heptarchy
7 Kingdoms Making 1 England with Alfred uniting the enterprise and the Vikings creating the climate in which English Unification was a better option that continuing domination of the Vikings. The Kingdoms hold the key into how these regions fought and conquered and rose up against the invaders to reverse the fortunes of England and set in place what would hold until the Norman Conquest, how would we turn the corner and become one people as Bede had alluded to…
Read MoreEdgar King of Wessex and the English 959-975
Eadgar the Peaceable, what do we know…Anglo Saxon King of Wessex
Read MoreDumnonia and Dumnonii the Kingdom and People
The Dumnonii were they a group of celtic tribes, already established when the Romans invaded, and only subjugated finally by Egbert of Wessex in 838…along the path to the unification of England and subsequently Britain…
Read MoreKing Ine of Wessex 688-726
King Ine started British Law Code and ruled in Wessex, founding the stone church at Gastonbury Abbey and abdicating to go on a pilgrimage Rome, He did not expand his dominion of Wessex but he made other notable contributions and was committed to the early Christian Church.
Read MoreFreehold, Freeholders and Leaseholders
Freehold and leasehold what are the historic connections and origins of these termms and do they relate to origins of Copyhold Tenure and Feudal Law…
Read MoreTemple Church London 1185-2012
The spirtual centre in the UK for the Knights Templar, how much is fable and what are the facts? From Temple to the Inns of Court, the significance of the Round, the importance of the effigies and a most extraordinary knight William Marshall together with the reason and consequence for Heraclius’s presence in London…
Read MoreHenry III Plantagenet King 1207-1272
His father King John was not much of a role model, so how would his son inheriting at just 9 years of age cope? He started with guidance of great statesmen but would he be governed by their wise council? What would Henry III contribute to the development of a nation…
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