THEMES Artifacts, objects and documents

Battle of Bull Run 1861 American Civil War Animated Map Snippet

Maps migration and the American Civil war an intriguing snippet of the possible connections and resources available t family historians. The American Civil War did it touch your family history, if you had family members and ancestors in America at the time of the civil war what were they doing and did they sign-up?

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Bringing your history to life

Arthur Banting R.E.M.E 1943 - 1946

Connect with the lives of your family members, capture the reality and essence of the story of their lives, documents,photos and map them with the places where they lived worked and played… here is an example…No why not become your own map maker and family treasure curator…

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Army Cyclist Corps Cap Badge

The Army Cycle Corps Cap Badge illustrates the great versatility of the bicycle in the C19th and C20th. Not only did the bicycle find it’s way onto the battlefields but it had a powerful impact on women’s rights as well. Quite an achievement for the humble bicycle

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google earth demo

THIS REQUIRES GOOGLE EARTH BE INSTALLED ON YOUR PC, you can click here to download from Google Powered by Google Earth Hacks | More info about this collection  

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F.A.N.Y Women’s Transport Services Cap Badge 1933 – 1939

Do you have any women in your family tree that served in the military during WWI and WWII? If so, then the story of the women who served in the Women’s Transport Service will be of great interest as they became the parent company for women involved in espionage work in WWII.

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