Europes Oldest University
The Medieval universities and the cities in which they sit continue to inspire and engage us. Bologna Italy, lays claim to founding Europe’s oldest university in 1088, how far reaching was this seat of learning?
Read MoreRoyal Society founded 1660 Gresham College and Arundel House
Royal Society for advancement of Science, a founding father Christopher Wren, Astronomer at Gresham College…? Was your relative a member or fellow of the society?
Read MoreNewton states laws of motion and gravity in Principia Mathematica 1686-1687
Newtorn’s major work impacts on thinking of the Enlightenment’s philosophers and social reform…the world is not the centre of the universe!
Read MoreVoltaire Champions English Values in Philosophical letters 1734
Voltaire escapes to England and uses a discourse on English Society to attack the lack of religious tolerance in France, early in the period of enlightenment…
Read MoreLeaders of the Enlightenment, in a nutshell
Who were the central thinkers and leaders of the period of the enlightenment…who together changed the way we and our societies and families that made those societies thought and organised our world. There would be backward steps but the genie of enlightenment was out of the box…
Read MoreJohn Locke Philosopher defends the right of the people to overthrow any ruler..
John Locke, a philosopher with a long-term impact. What was the role of this often over-looked british philosopher ins establishing the principles for democracy in the period of Enlightenment.
Read MoreDescartes Discourse on the Method 1637
The pursuit of incontrovertible truth…by Descartes
Read MoreRené Descartes the father of modern philosophy
Descartes kicks -off the perod of Enlightenment and the ae of reason…
Read MoreThe Age of Reason…dawns
The dawning of the age of reason, how would it impact on our families lives and those of the communities our relatives lived in…
Read MoreMary Wollenstonecraft or Jeremy Bentham as first advocate of Womans Rights?
Who first expressed the need for women’s rights to be publicly addressed?
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