C17th London Inhabitants

C17th London inhabitants. A list, not a new resource but maybe a forgotten one.

A list of C17th London inhabitants adds a whole layer of colour to the built environment of the period. It brings the capital to life, knowing the names of the citys inhabitants and sometimes their occupations is a fascinating resource. If you have family history relating to London then you might get lucky and unearth a gem or two.

As so much genealogical data gets hoovered up into the big guys data bases, it’s easy to lose sight of the original source material. Two excellent lists I’ve been re-visiting are;

‘The Inhabitants of London in 1638’ and

‘The London inhabitants within the city walls in 1695’.

Both are free to search on British History Online and are a fascinating read whether or not your ancestors lived in London. Just looking at the lists you can instantly see what surnames were common. Street names and sometimes occupations are also included. There is something about seeing the data massed together like this for a given date that has quite an impact.

London Inhabitants

John Norden’s Map C16th Westminster