Posts by HLB

Historic Timelines

Historical texts have long been the subject of critical analysis from the writings of the Venerable Bede to the latest releases from the National Archives. Maps too have been analyzed in great depth. We explore what they can  reveal to us about the world in which they were created, from the Mappa Mundi, through the…

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The Use of Antiseptics in Operating Theatres

The problem of infection in operating theatres had been known about from the end of the C18th through the C19th. More people were dying from infections acquired in the operating theatre than were dying of their ailments. Florence Nightingale highlighted the need for a rigorous approach to hospital hygiene and Lister’s work with carbolic, changed…

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Queen Victoria’s Scrapbook

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth I, has allowed the release of a series of photos and personal letters giving a unique insight into the life of Queen Victoria

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History of Women and Work

The employment of women through the second half of the C19th and beyond has long been hidden in the data. As more data is digitized and becomes easier to evaluate it is apparent that women had always been employed in an incredibly wide range of occupations. Seek out the women and their hidden occupations in your family history

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Last Remnants of British Colonial Rule

British Colonial Rule

British Colonial rule. What will the release of the ‘Migrated Archives’ available for examination at The National Archive, tell us about the final demise of the British Empire. Quiet waters or turbulent currents beneath the surface?

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Intriguing London Streets Cecil Court

Learning about the history of London streets reveals a wealth of colourful characters, as they emerge from a variety of historical documents. One such location is Cecil Court, home over centuries to a host of colourful characters.

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Reconnecting with Burma

Reonnecting Burma and Britain

Our strong historical connections with Burma are remembered today as the British prime minister David Cameron visits Burma. The names of Rangoon and Mandalay form strong visions in the minds of many as we reconnect with this beautiful and strategically important country

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