Bringing your history to life

Bring your own family history to life by connecting with the bigger picture

When we started Intriguing History it was because we didn’t understand the context of history and how it related to our own family histories. 

It was always our intention to use Intriguing History data to enrich our own projects and share it with others. So please use the rich wealth of data to create a tapestry of your family, follow the link to Intriguing Family History to find out how you can become the curator and map maker of all your family treasures.

Arthur Banting R.E.M.E 1943 - 1946

Arthur Edward Harry Banting 1923 – 2005

Arthur Edward Harry Banting was my dad.

    • He was born in Petersfield Hampshire in 1923 and died in 2005.
    • Dad worked all over the world as an electrical engineer  but during WWII, he was called up and served in the R.E.M.E.
    • He said little about what he had done in the war but he left a small hand written narrative, which I am going to use as the starting point  to find out a bit more about my dad and his war service
Dad joined up in October 1943, this picture of him was taken a few months later when he passed his trade test to join the Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers.
    • Note his R.E.M.E cap badge, click on the link  to find out more about this cap badge, part of the Intriguing collection of cap badges
    • To follow dad’s war from Home Guard to Palestine follow the posts
    • Go to  to learn more about Banting family history (site currently being revamped)